Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
ABSTRAK PT. X merupakan industri yang mengolah biji gandum menjadi tepung gandum. Di industri tersebut terdapat ruang dimana pekerjaan yang dilakukan menimbulkan debu yang me libihi NAB. Ruang tersebut ada lah ruang pembersihan pallet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui konsentrasi debu dan diameter, perencanaan local exhaust ventilation , dan memilih a lternatif perencanaan yang sesuai dengan evaluasi ekonomi. Metode pengukuran konsentrasi debu menggunakan a lat High Volume Air Sampler pada 3 titik, dan dilak ukan uji SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) untuk mengetahui ukuran rata-rata diameter debu di area pembersihan pallet PT.X. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang efektif maka dilakukan uji kelayakan ekonomi dengan metode Cost Effectiveness Analysis yakni perbandingan antara total biaya dengan efisiensi atau disebut CER (Cost Effectiveness Ratio). Metode tersebut harus memiliki minimal 2 a lternatif untuk merancang LEV yakni bag filter sebagai a lternatif 1 dan ventury scrubber sebagai alternatif 2. Hasil pene litian ini, konsentrasi debu ruang pembersihan pa llet sebesar 5,327 mg/m 3 (diatas NAB) dan ukuran rata -rata diameter debu sebesar 64,3 µm. Hasil perencanaan local exhaust ventilation system didapatkan dimensi hood plain opening lebar × tinggi × panjang adalah 2m × 1,5m × 1m; debit udara yang dihisap 71.323,2 m 3 /jam; pipa ducting sepanjang 42,1064 m (a lternatif 1) dan 50,0477 m (alternatif 2); blower dengan pressure drop 3.997,45 Pa (alternatif 1) dan 4.420,87 Pa (alternatif 2); kebutuhan filter jenis glass 70 bag (alternatif 1) dan kebutuhan a ir 15,53 m 3 /jam dengan daya pompa 850,89 Watt (alternatif 2); Daya blower 89,9 Kw, 1230 RPM, efisiensi motor 88 % (alternatif 1) dan 99,5 Kw,1320 RPM, efisiensi motor 88 % KW (alternatif 2). Hasil eva luasi ekonomi untuk total biaya alternatif 1 yakni Rp. Rp. 702.476.021,- dan total biaya alternatif 2 yakni Rp. 711.732.286,- sedangkan efisiensi a lternatif 1 yakni 70,75% dan efisiensi alternatif 2 yakni 99,94%. Untuk CER alternatif 2 lebih kecil daripada alternatif 1 yakni Rp. 712.751.116,- sedangkan CER a lternatif 1 yakni Rp. 992.898.970,-. Alternatif 2 (ventury scrubber) dikatakan layak sebagai pemilihan perancangan LEV di PT. X dikarenakan nilai CER yang lebih kecil dari alternatif yang la in, baik sebelum dan sesudah diuji in cremental cost yang berarti efisiensi yang besar dapat mereduksi debu lebih banyak, walaupun harga perancangan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan alternatif 1 (bag filter). Kata kunci : Debu tepung, Local Exhaust Ventilation, High Volume Air Sampler, SEM, Cost Efectiveness Analysis, CER. ABSTRACT PT. X is an industry that processes wheat into flour. In the industry, there is space where the work is done raises dust exceeds TLV. The space is the room that cleaning pallet. The purpose of this final projec t is to determine the concentration and diameter of dust, design of local exhaust ventilation, and choose an alternative planning that appropriate with the economic evaluation. Method of measuring the consentration of dust is using a High Volume Air Sampler at 3 points, and testing SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) to determine the average size diameter of the dust in the pallet cleaning area on PT.X. To get effective results then do some economic testing feasibility using of Cost Effectiveness Analysis method is the ratio between the total cost with the efficiency or CER (Cost Effective Ratio). The method must have at least two alternatives for designing LEV the bag filter as alternative 1 and ventury scrubber as alternative 2. The results of this final project is the concentration of dust cleaning pallet area of 5,327 mg / m 3 (above NAB) and the average size of the dust diameter is 64,3 µm. Results of local exhaust ventilation system design that obtained by dimensions of hood plain opening width × height × length is 2m × 1,5m × 1m; total air flowrate 71.323,2 m 3 /hr; pipe ducting along 42,1064 m (alternative 1) and 50,0477 m (alternative 2); blower with pressure drop 3997,45 Pa (alternative 1) and 4420,87 Pa (alternative 2); filter type glass 70 bag (alternative 1) and flowrate of water pump 15,53 m 3 /hr with pump power 850,89 Watt (alternative 2); Blower power of 89,9 Kw,1230 RPM, motor efficiency 88% (alternative 1) and 99,5 KW, 1320 RPM, motor efficiency 88% (alternative 2). The results of economic evaluation for the total cost of alternative 1 is Rp. 702.476.021, - and the total cost of the alternative 2 Rp. 711.732.286, - while the efficiency of alternative 1 is 70,75% and the efficiency of alternative 2 is 99,94%. For CER is obtained by the value of alternative 2 is smaller than the alternative 1 Rp. 712.751.116, - whereas the alternative 1 with CER Rp Rp. 992.898.970,-. Alternative 2 (ventury scrubber) is feasible as selected design LEV in PT. X because the value of CER is smaller than other alternatives, b oth before and after the test incremental cost shows great efficiency which can reduce dust more, although the cost is greater than the design of alternative 1 (bag filter). Keywords: Dust flour, Local Exhaust Ventilation, High Volume Air Sampler, SEM, Cost Efectiveness Analysis, CER.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) |
Divisions: | ?? tkdkk ?? |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 13 Sep 2018 06:41 |
Last Modified: | 13 Sep 2018 06:41 |
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